How good can you guess? Do you know how much lipstick a woman inadvertently eats in her life? Or how many Smarties fit into a Smart?! 🤔 Impossible to know? You don’t need to know the exact answer here! Give your best guess and beat your friends in this entertaining social quiz. 👫🏆 Learn exciting and curious facts to impress your friends!
Guess Success is our first Facebook Instant Game. This is Facebook’s game platform for his messenger. It’s different from most quiz games as you only have to guess the answer instead of choosing from a set of answers. The game supports 1v1 vs Facebook friends or random people.
We had to shift from Unity to an HTML5 game engine as Unity wasn’t supported at the time of development. I chose the Haxe language with haxe flixel as a Framework for this game. The backend and multiplayer game logic are written in Firebase.