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More …The Atrium Sponza Palace running in realtime in the Blender Game Engine. GLSL “HDR” Shader from martinsh (< forum/ showthread.php?t=156482>)
I also playing around with some WebGL Frameworks for my student thesis. This is the Sponza model from Crytek in XML3D. I used the Blender Exporter from XML3D which exported fine besides the textures. It forget to add the wrap tags to the textures which i added manual.
See it here. (beware, file is 32MB big and you will need a WebGL capable browser)
឵឵ This interactive visualization shows the complex processes occurring when a highly energetic electron bunch collides with a strong laser beam. It is the result of a cooperative project between the TU Dresden and the HZDR which I took part last year. We used Ogre3D as graphics rendering engine.
Credits: Instructor Prof. Dr. Stefan Gumhold
Tutor Dr. Niels von Festenberg
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorff André Arnold, Michael Bussmann, Alexander Debus, Fabian Röser
Team Tino Helmig, Alexander Matthes, Benjamin Schneider, Annett Ungethüm, Johannes Völker, Stefan Wagner
Draco Team Tobias Günther, Sebastian Hagedorn, Sebastian von Hippel, Alexander Manger, Mathias Müller, Christian Schubert, Sebastian Walther, Tino Winkler
Elbe Team Mathieu Floira, Timon Bätz, René Lützner, Florian Klopfleisch, Sebastian Walther
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